Regional Character Hubs
The ACE network is a Community of Practice that shares some of the country’s most innovative and effective Character Education.
Our ambition is for all regions across the UK to have Outstanding Schools of Character who provide dedicated support to other local schools, to help guide and inspire them on their journey to embed character education.
These Outstanding Schools of Character have either been awarded the ACE School of Character Quality Mark Plus or have extensively demonstrated the ACE Quality Mark Plus features in their character provision.
Use the map below to find out more about these schools and how they can support you on your journey to embed whole-school Character Education that is ‘taught,’ ‘caught,’ and ‘sought.’
If there are no schools in your region yet, please do check out the other areas closest to you or email admin@character-education.org.uk for assistance.

Click the region tabs below for details of your nearest Regional Character Hub and how to contact them.