East Midlands
Northampton Academy, Northamptonshire
Description of our character programme
The programme is systematically embedded across all facets of the school to ensure that it is woven into the fabric. Our values are lived within the culture of our school as well as being featured across the school. We have a clear action plan in place to develop provision across the school so we know where our character provision is at, and where it is going.
How we can help you
- Tours & visits
- Talks at other schools about our journey
- Help with Kitemark or Kitemark Plus applications
- Teams calls to discuss provision
Our main piece of guidance is
- Start with the mission or vision – Character must be in there.
- Make sure it is led by your Headteacher as it will fail otherwise.
- Over Communicate to all key stakeholders.
- Don’t try and do everything at once, build it over time.
The main benefits of our character programme are
- Improved culture (and behaviour)
- Improved relationships between staff and students, students and students, and staff with each other
- Better outcomes
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Woodbrook Vale School, Loughborough
Description of our character programme
Our character programme is centred around the ‘Futures Award’. This is a programme wherein students are asked to evidence their own developing character with respect to 7 key areas we have designated as a starting point. By providing accreditation for the aspects of their character they are working on, the school has raised the profile and importance of personal development as a whole in the school. Students who might previously have seen PD in a negative light, now link it with the ‘Futures Award’ and wear their futures bronze, silver and gold badges with real pride.
What makes our Futures Award stand out is that it has been developed into a web based app with an evidence upload function. This means it can be worked on both inside and outside of school and enables it to draw in the interest and support of parents and families.
We have recently developed a methodology for incorporating the teaching of moral virtues and tenets of character development in lessons. This is in the early stages but is yielding exciting results.
Our overarching aim is to transform our school into a place where people do the right thing because they have an internalised value system that is robust and self driven.
How we can help you
- Host character tours and experience visits
- Talk at INSET days (dependant on date and location)
- Share Futures Award, its concept and set up.
- Virtual meetings to demonstrate Futures Award.
- Technical Support for schools to generate their own school based app. (Small cost)
Our main piece of guidance is
Start somewhere! Everyone has their own entry point to character education. Once you start it grows exponentially and you will see a thousand flowers bloom!
The main benefits of our character programme are
- Students who value the chance to develop their character and see themselves become better learners as a result
- An atmosphere of celebration for those aspects of school life that go beyond GCSE results.
- An emotionally intelligent school where well-being is highly valued.
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