The John Roan School
Reflections on the Quality Mark Experience
“The Quality Mark process was a fantastic opportunity to focus our minds on our provision of character education. We work hard to offer opportunities to develop character and the framework allowed us to reflect on areas of strength and commit to new priorities. The process was positive and further motivated us to work more closely together as staff, parents, students and with our local community on the range of initiatives. The report has been a useful tool and has been shared at senior leadership meetings and again has provided opportunities to discuss how we plan for an improved provision of character education in key areas. Our parents have been pleased and assured to see us recognised by this kitemark and it something we can discuss proudly at open events. “

Assessor Feedback
“Being a School of Character is all about the school’s values being ‘lived.’ This was definitely the case at the John Roan School whose PRIDE values permeated every part of school life, and shaped the culture and ethos of the school. The quality of relationships between all members of the school community is exceptional. The school has undergone significant transformation and the leadership has chosen to use character and values as the driving force for this change.”