Fulmer Infant School
Reflections on the Quality Mark Experience
“All the staff and community have enjoyed the Quality Mark experience which gave us the opportunity to reflect on our values which are threaded throughout the curriculum and school day and we are all absolutely thrilled that we have been recognised as a school of character. The children have chosen our four core values which have been endorsed by the staff and community and are: Be kind, Be Honest, Respect and Achieve. We put as much emphasis on good character as on academic success and choose our curriculum topics accordingly.”
Assessor Feedback
“The school has carefully ensured that the constantly revisited values are woven through all aspects of the academic and pastoral life of the school. The atmosphere and positive culture of the school provides them with security, clear direction and multiple opportunities to work with autonomy and independence. Considering the very young ages of the pupils at the school, it is particularly impressive that they are given the opportunity to take on meaningful leadership and community support roles. The leadership and governors of the school value both academic and character development in equal measure and I was particularly reassured that governors spoke consistently about the need to ensure that pupils are provided with opportunities to make “the right choices”. This leads to pupils feeling well-supported and indeed loved but still understanding the necessity to develop independence and personal resilience.”