Balmalloch Primary School
Reflections on the Quality Mark Experience
“Our journey to be the first school in Scotland to achieve the School of Character Quality Mark was supported through the assessment Framework encouraging deep reflection which clearly links to How good is our School? Quality Indicator Framework. Evaluation from staff, pupils, visitors and families ensured triangulation of evidence with our continued focus on achieving our vision – A Place of Enthusiastic Learning and Achievement! Pupil voice was identified as strength of our school, which is key our success. Character Education should be at the heart of every school’s journey to make sure “all members of the school community flourish and grow.”.
Assessor Feedback
“The leadership provided by the Headteacher and senior team has been instrumental in evolving a values-driven character education programme in the widest sense. Assessors were impressed with how pupil voice at Balmalloch Primary School affects real change in the school, while developing student leadership. This demonstrates the trust and confidence leadership and staff have in the wisdom and abilities of their pupils. Integrating explicit character development into pupil leadership opportunities was a standout feature of Balmalloch’s character programme. A pupil-led framework for the school’s character programme has been intentionally designed to match the emotional and developmental needs of the child, as they progress through the school. This framework incorporates a strong approach to collaborating with parents to support the development of character and values within the home. It has been an utmost privilege to award Scotland’s first School of Character kitemark to Balmalloch Primary School and Nursery Class.”.