Alumnis Multi-Academy Trust

Reflections on the Quality Mark Experience

Alumnis MAT is a trust of nine primary schools across North Devon with a shared vision; ‘Inspiring Change-makers’.

“We are delighted that all of our schools have now been recognised as having School of Character status. All nine Alumnis schools have achieved the Quality Mark or Quality Mark Plus which is welcome recognition of our commitment to the development of character and virtues.

As a trust we have been developing our explicit approach since Autumn 2020 launching our character education approach for all children based on the four building blocks of character developing in all learners core moral, civic, performance and intellectual virtues in pursuit of flourishing.

Our Character Taught, Caught and Sought model continues to develop and evolve to best prepare our students and ensure they are future ready.

As we develop our characterful culture we recognise the vital role that our adults play in shaping the culture we provide for our children and continue to develop ways of working rooted in a vision for inspiring change. Our People Strategy outlines a clear intent for developing our workforce as flourishing adults which in turn will support flourishing children and flourishing schools.

We are proud to be an ACE Regional Character Hub in the South West and welcome others to get in touch and connect with us as we continue to collectively develop transformative ways of working within education.”

Assessor Feedback

“Planning and provision has evolved carefully over the past 3 years and each school has a wealth of support available from skilled and well-informed senior leaders who have actively researched the impact of developing character in terms of both academic achievement and personal growth. Planning is detailed, ambitious and meticulously evolved and has ensured that character growth is embedded in the DNA of each school.”  Gary Lewis, Chair of Trustees, ACE

Best Practice Quality Mark Resources

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