Thoresby Primary School
Reflections on the Quality Mark Experience
“Our experience of the application for the School of Character Quality Mark Plus award was that it was a clear, well-structured, rigorous yet supportive process which allowed us to consider and reflect, further develop and celebrate the character education offer we provide for our children at Thoresby. Tom and the team were very approachable throughout and on hand to provide guidance if needed.”

Assessor Feedback
“The school has a long history of placing personal and character development at the very core of its educational objectives, and this was indeed recognised in the school’s National Character award from the Department for Education in 2016. Strong character development relies heavily on an enthusiastic commitment from the senior leadership and a clear focus on outstanding communication skills to ensure that relationships at all levels can flourish and grow in confidence and trust. It was clear to the assessors that everyone associated with the school is committed to a “restorative” style of communication and interaction and this has resulted in forthright, assertive but always kind and accommodating conversations at all levels. There is no doubt that Thoresby’s commitment to this values driven communication system represents exceptional practice and as such should be shared positively with other schools nationally seeking to develop their character programmes.”