Phoenix Primary School
Reflections on the Quality Mark Experience
“At Phoenix Primary School we are proud and value our children, staff and the local community. The use of values which are threaded through all aspects of school life provides children with a unique learning experience and development of life skills.
Our experience of the ACE Quality Mark Plus has been a valuable and rewarding experience, we found that it has helped and developed good practice across the school. The rigorous process and assessment has given us the opportunity to share and improve through the inciteful feedback.
The recognition of the Quality Mark Plus has filled the whole school with pride and self-belief in the journey we are on and we look forward to forging links and further enhancement of our own school.”

Assessor Feedback
“Phoenix Primary School’s Values based Education (VbE) provision has evolved and been fully integrated through a whole-school approach. As a result, character is effectively taught, caught and sought. Dedicated and visionary leadership, over a sustained 6-year period, has placed character and values at the heart of its approach to achieve transformational whole-school improvement. This has resulted in the creation of a values-driven culture where positive relationships can flourish, and pupil behaviour is virtue-led and not sanctions driven.”