Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Reflections on the Quality Mark Experience
“At Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, we are committed to developing the character of Christ in our pupils based on our school Gospel virtues, so that they flourish in the fullness of life: ‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.’
(John 10:10)
Our experience of the ACE Quality Mark Plus process has been highly positive and rewarding. It has provided rigorous, external validation of our character education provision, as well as guidance on how we can enhance this provision even further. We are immensely proud to have achieved the Quality Mark Plus in recognition of our whole school journey in developing character education.
We are looking forward to working with other schools in the future to share practice and support them in their journey to achieve their Quality Mark accreditation.”

Assessor Feedback
“Leaders of the school have consulted widely with many stakeholders to bring about an effective fusion of character and Catholic values to produce a clear vision to enable pupils to be citizens of character living in the image of Christ. Together with the stated aim of producing well-rounded pupils who take full responsibility for the world in which they live, the school has created a powerful framework for building a strong community, which benefits all members equally.
The combination of committed academic research and carefully produced practical materials has produced a well-rounded programme focused on the needs of the school community and represents exemplary practice. The Catholic Character Programme is carefully co-ordinated with the Liturgical year and a range of activities such as assemblies, charitable action and curriculum material are combined to provide maximum impact.”