

The ACE Conference 2022 Workshops The ACE Annual Conference includes a range of practitioner-led workshops delivered by Kitemark schools and organisations to support delegates develop their thinking, refine [...]


Conference Workshop Options


Choose your Workshops Thankyou for signing up to this year's conference, we are really looking forward to seeing you there. Please see a list of workshops below to choose [...]

Conference Workshop Options2021-11-15T09:38:22+00:00

ACE Conference – 20 Spaces Left


ACE Conference - 20 Spaces Left Supporting you on your journey to embed character education is why we exist.  Character is not only proven to enable children to [...]

ACE Conference – 20 Spaces Left2021-11-04T16:14:50+00:00

2019 Annual Conference


Thank you to all the delegates and speakers who attended the 2019 ACE Annual Conference at Northampton Academy on Friday, 12th July. We were very pleased with another successful conference and look forward to seeing you next year.

2019 Annual Conference2019-09-26T13:56:42+00:00